Corporate services for fit-for-purpose governance structures
We recognise that company secretaries and governance professionals are under intense pressure to improve efficiency and productivity. We’ve been in your shoes.
You’re facing constant changes in your organisation and you need to keep up. You’re often under-resourced or new to the function. You’ve recognised that you need an experienced pair of hands that allow you to thrive and help get the job done. This is where we come in. We offer tailored service packages to suit your needs.
Governance consultancy - corporate and company secretarial services
“The one luxury I hope to get back by hiring you is time. I’m hoping I free up my evenings and weekends with your help.”
These are the types of messages we receive from governance professionals and company secretaries enquiring about our services.
We help to improve organisational structures and controls that, ultimately, improve decision-making and positively impact your performance and reputation.
Making your life easier:
Initial public offering services
Annual report and accounts content drafting
Annual report and accounts project management
Listed company compliance
Private company compliance
S172(1) and stakeholder analysis
Board performance reviews
You’re a director or company secretary acting in the best interests of your board. We work with you to understand the best approach that guarantees board performance with the least amount of disruption.
All the benefits including:
Practical solutions and recommendations
Understandable and bespoke objectives
Guidance on priority areas
A vehicle to drive change or to support the direction your moving in
Governance policies and statements
You might be a governance or HR professional, you might be heading up the legal team, whatever function your job role falls under, you will, at some point, need a competent pair of hands to draft or review your governance policies and statements.
We cover:
Diversity and inclusion
Modern slavery statement
Human rights
Anti-Bribery and corruption
S172(1) Companies Act 2006 statement
ESG scoring
Sustainability and TCFD reporting
Corporate governance framework analysis
Your shareholders and stakeholders expect the highest standards of corporate governance from your business. And with increasing public scrutiny a thorough review of your company's corporate governance framework is no longer a ‘nice to have’, it’s essential.
We provide bespoke governance reviews which identify opportunities for improvements and efficiencies within your business.
An effective corporate governance framework will help you to:
Respect legislation and regulation using best practice and guidance
Introduce effective operations and processes
Identify errors and non-conformities
Increase trust and build stronger relationships with all stakeholders
Reduce the likelihood of crises
Connect with employees and set cultural expectations